pés são a base de sustentação do nosso corpo e sofrem enorme desgaste ao longo
do dia, após horas de atividade. Pés saudáveis são fortes e flexíveis, têm amortecedores eficazes embutidos na
planta do pé e no calcanhar, e os dedos têm o importante papel de manter o
equilíbrio em diversas situações.
Ontem trabalhei por diversas horas seguidas em pé! Quando cheguei ao final do dia estava sentindo diversos pontos doloridos e a grande solução foi: um delicioso escalda-pés!
O escalda-pés, é uma maneira simples e eficaz de
aliviar a tensão, relaxar a musculatura e diminuir a sensação de cansaço dos
pés e pernas. Esses efeitos estão relacionados, em grande parte, com a água e
sua temperatura (em torno dos 38°C), que possuem efeito
curativo, revigorante e extremamente relaxante.
Além disso, segundo os
chineses, nossos pés possuem cerca de 70 mil terminações nervosas que estão
associadas a diversos orgãos do corpo humano (reflexologia). Sendo assim, a
pressão e o aquecimento desses pontos refletem em um equilíbrio do corpo todo.
Our feet are the foundation for sustaining our body and suffer throughout the day, after hours of activity. Healthy feet are strong and flexible, have effective buffers built into the foot and heel, and the toes have an important role in maintaining the balance in various situations.
Yesterday I worked for several hours straight standing! When I reached the end of the day I was feeling sore spots and the best solution was: a delicious footbath!
The footbath is a simple and effective way to relieve stress, relax muscles and decrease the feeling of tiredness of the feet and legs. These effects are related in large part, with the water and its temperature (around 100°F), which has curative, refreshing and relaxing effect.
Moreover, according to the Chinese, our feet have about 70 thousand nerve endings that are associated with different organs of the human body (reflexology). Thus, the pressure and heating these points reflect a balance of the whole body.
Yesterday I worked for several hours straight standing! When I reached the end of the day I was feeling sore spots and the best solution was: a delicious footbath!
The footbath is a simple and effective way to relieve stress, relax muscles and decrease the feeling of tiredness of the feet and legs. These effects are related in large part, with the water and its temperature (around 100°F), which has curative, refreshing and relaxing effect.
Moreover, according to the Chinese, our feet have about 70 thousand nerve endings that are associated with different organs of the human body (reflexology). Thus, the pressure and heating these points reflect a balance of the whole body.
1) Em uma bacia acrescente:
- 2 litros de água (assim que a água começar a dar bolhas desligue o fogo; a temperatura ideal é 38°C)
- 1 xícara de sal grosso
- 2 ramos de hortelã picados
- 1 ramo de alecrim picado
Mantenha os pés imersos na água por 10 a 15 minutos.
1) In a bowl add:
- 2 liters of water (when the water bubbles turn off the heat, the ideal temperature is 100° F)
- 1 cup of coarse salt
- Two branches of mint
- 1 branch of chopped rosemary
Keep feet immersed in water for 10 to 15 minutes.
- 2 liters of water (when the water bubbles turn off the heat, the ideal temperature is 100° F)
- 1 cup of coarse salt
- Two branches of mint
- 1 branch of chopped rosemary
Keep feet immersed in water for 10 to 15 minutes.
2) Em uma bacia acrescente:
- 2 litros de água (38°C)
- 1 xícara de sal grosso
- 5 saquinhos de chá de camomila
- 1 saco de bolinhas de gude
- Pétalas de rosa
Mantenha os pés imersos na água por 10 a 15 minutos. Fazer leves movimentos deixando que as bolinhas de gude toque em cada ponto do seu pé!
2) In a bowl add:
- 2 liters of water (100°F)
- 1 cup of coarse salt
- 5 bags of chamomile tea
- 1 bag of marbles
- Rose petals
Keep your feet immersed in water for 10 to 15 minutes. Make slight movements letting the marbles touch every point of your foot!
- 2 liters of water (100°F)
- 1 cup of coarse salt
- 5 bags of chamomile tea
- 1 bag of marbles
- Rose petals
Keep your feet immersed in water for 10 to 15 minutes. Make slight movements letting the marbles touch every point of your foot!
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